Do You Want To Have A Rocking Year

Are you nervous for 6th grade because I know I was, so stay positive. Two pieces of advice I have for incoming 6th graders is, be careful in your “friend groups” and charge you chrome book every night.
            If, you have had the same friends your whole life? Well, as a matter of fact, friend groups are one of my topics. Friend groups are going to change and get bigger. Some of your closest friend might get more friends, when this happens be cautious of you own resentment (jealously) that might be taking over. You will also get new friends and when you do try and stay true to your other friends too.If you notice jealousy from any of your friends,sit down and have a talk with them. Friend groups can change your life. Friend groups is one of my pieces of advice for you to have an amazing year in sixth grade.
            In 6th grade you will get a chrome book. My other topic is chrome books. If your chrome book is messed up or broken don’t be afraid to take them to Mrs.Cooper, the librarian. She will give you a loaner and get your computer fixed right up. If you don’t take your chrome book to Mrs.Cooper, your chrome book will get worse. Be careful to make sure you charge your chrome book every night, or you will end up with a written warning.
             If, you are nervous for 6th grade remember a few of these and it’ll make your year a lot easier. If, you use these pieces of advice, I’ll bet you that in the first few weeks you will already be rocking in 6th grade. My two pieces of advice to help you get through 6th grade are charge your chrome book and be true to your friend groups.

Are You Letting Them Take Over

           Invasive Species cause many, many problems.For example they can make drainage pipes stop up and even city water supply pipes to stop up.”It’s  a huge challenge to address these problems all across our state and no one or organization can do it alone the scale of the problem is just staggering,” says Tim Birdsong.”However, less transport and birds are two solutions that guarantee aquatic plants to have a positive impact on East Texas ecosystems.


          An exotic is a species coming into a non-native place that isn’t supposed to be there. Invasive species are species that don’t belong or are not native to that certain place. Have you ever been to a lake such as lake cherokee that is covered in thick green leaves,that was giant salvinia.

          As a matter of fact about 50,000 non-indigenous species have come into the United States in the past 200 years. However,we do have solutions currently such as weevils and different types of herbicides. Weevils are so tiny when they eat stuff like giant salvinia they get full only after a few bites. On the other hand,the herbicides do not kill only plants they poison and kill some fish and other things in and that drink the water.And they are not working because we still have invasive don’t we.


           One solution to invasives is less transport. One way you can put a stop transport is by the clean,drain,dry rule. A way you can do that is by opening all of your valves,and clean your trailer so nothing is left on your boat or trailer. Another way you can make sure you’re not transporting is by getting your boat inspected. If you get your boat inspected at the boat ramp you will know for sure you are not a transporter. Less transport is one way to stop invasives.


           A natural way to stop invasive species is birds. Recent studies show that the birds will fly down and eat the invasives. Birds such as, seagulls, ducks and geese are the birds that will do things like this.So many people are probably thinking what if the birds get full,well if we put things that smell like fish on top of them they will fly down and eat it.

          Two things that will guarantee aquatic plants to have a positive impact on East Texas ecosystems are less transport and birds. Just picture a family day at the lake with your children and grandchildren ,but you get there and the lake is closed due to Invasives.Do you want this to be your lake day.

Thinking Differently

           Everyone please close your eyes. Think of all the blessings you have had today.You’re at school.You’re breathing. You’re alive. In Writing “I Am Malala” Malala shows not everyone has a school to go to and some people have to work to have the right to go to school and those people appreciate school more since it is not handed to you. She loved school. She wanted girls to go to school without fighting for it.And she wanted girls to be safe and sound at school.
           We all take school for granted, but do you know how many kids have to fight just to be in a school building. She strived very hard and set her goals high so that people world round could go to school without risking their lives going.However,not all places and kids do go to school.For example, in a country called Mogadishu Somalia only 36% percent of girls go to school. We should never take school for granted, because there are so many people who school isn’t just given to.

            We are all safe at school,but do you know how many people risk their lives just walking in a school building,In fact,in the book “I Am Malala” It shows how the school kids secretly kept doing school ever after the Taliban threatened them. Everyone in Texas almost everyone is safe going to school.As a matter of fact, my mom and I were just talking about how when she went to Honduras during spring break most kids were working and helping their family and not playing around.So many kids in the United States walk into school like its nothing,but some kids walk in and risk their lives at the same time.

             Loving school, Malala wanted to make it where kids can go to school safely and without having to fight for it.Close your eyes again and please don’t forget to count your blessings and never forget them.Be thankful you’re at school with an education and remember how many girls our age and don’t even know how to read or write.

21 Century Communication

21 Century Communication

It’s the 21st century phones are everywhere even in the air.Some people don’t get a break from their phones.Some people even worry about our generation because so many people are so caught up in their phones they don’t spend spend time with their family.Although they bear some minor similarities the differences between communicating through technology and communicating in person are remarkable.

Here are some similarities between communicating in person and communicating through technology. Both ways of communicating you can see the other person. Be careful when you communicate because sometimes you don’t know who you’re talking to.For example, the person you’re talking to could be an identity thief.You can be at family gatherings close or far away. You can face time them or you can drive their to be there. One time my cousin was in Ohio and she just face timed us so she could be there.There are some similarities about communicating by technology and communicating in person. 


I like to communicate by person sometimes because that is how you make memories.I think communicating in person is more enjoyable.Communicating in person and communicating by technology has some differences. You can physically be with that person if you are communicating in person. More than two thousand kids a day are kidnapped.Be careful and make sure you do everything you can to look out for yourselves.Cyber bulling affects you more than regular bullying. One of my friend’s friends mom was cyberbullied and was threatened to kill herself.If you are cyberbullied tell an adult.There are some differences about communicating in person and communicating by technology.

There are some similarities and differences about communicating by technology and communicating in person. I think it is okay to communicate through technology but you do want to try to communic

A Night At The Rink

A Night At The Rink

Deep down in the rink
Music blaring like trains honking their horns
Two skates skating like fierce cheetahs,
Everyone in the rink goofing around like wild banchies
The smell of popcorn was more than delightful
An intense game of pool going on by the rink

Next, people flourishing in and out of the rink
Then, so many people adding to the two
1,2,3,4,5,6 more people
A shocking noise that sounded like fighting bulls 
Everyone's crashing
Why so I wonder
A game of shoot the duck broke out

After that, Bam!
Everyone skating away from each other as fast as they can

Then it all came to an end
as we sat at a restraunt eating delicious,
and delightful food

The Power of Words Reflection of “Out of My Mind”

The Power of Words  Reflection of

“Out of My Mind”


I can’t walk I can’t talk, and I can’t even control myself,

People laugh at me because I have to be fed

I know lots of words but I can’t tell anyone

I want to laugh when my dad goes step fart

Inside my heart words are swirling around and around


Words circle my world thousands at a time

I want to say a lot

i just can’t

If I could say one word it would be to Mom,Dad,and Penny
I Love You


I just can’t

I want to have friends I can talk to

I just can’t


I want to talk to everyone

Especially Rose


I know lots of words but I can’t tell anyone

Inside my heart words are swirling around and around

Literary Response

How Melody Changes in “out of my mind”


Here are some examples on how Melody changes in the book “Out of My Mind.”  The first reason on how she changes in the story, she gets the highest score on a test. For instance she always feels left out because she has special needs but most of the kids don’t realize she is smart and i’m pretty sure if that happened to me I would be excited so i’m sure she’s excited.”The only person in the class who got all of the questions right is Melody Brooks.”

Another reason is that before she had a Medi-Talker she felt like the whole world hated her,then she got her Medi-Talker and could talk to her soon to be friends evidently she feels left out.“Hey everybody I got a new computer,heads turn and voices whisper.”

The last way she changes is she makes a new friend named Rose and feels like someone actually  cares about her and wants to be around her. “I am Rose, she said in a soft voice, I tried not to kick or make any noise that would scare her away.”

Those are some ways that Melody changes in the story”Out of my mind.”

Sharon Draper’s Writing

These are the decisions I like that Sharon Draper made when she wrote “Out of My Mind.”  The first thing I like is how she described so much and made it easy to have imagry.  “I guess when people look at me they see a girl with short,dark,curly hair strapped into a pink wheelchair.”  The next thing that I like is how Sharon Draper put the book in Melody’s point of view.  “My arms and hands are pretty stiff, but I can mash the buttons on the T.V remote and move my Wheelchair with the knobs that I can grab on the wheels.”The last thing that I like about Out of My Mind is how she hooks the reader.”Words. I’m surrounded by thousands of words.”  This is an example of how she hooks the reader.  Those are some things that I like about Sharon Draper’s book.