A Night At The Rink

A Night At The Rink

Deep down in the rink
Music blaring like trains honking their horns
Two skates skating like fierce cheetahs,
Everyone in the rink goofing around like wild banchies
The smell of popcorn was more than delightful
An intense game of pool going on by the rink

Next, people flourishing in and out of the rink
Then, so many people adding to the two
1,2,3,4,5,6 more people
A shocking noise that sounded like fighting bulls 
Everyone's crashing
Why so I wonder
A game of shoot the duck broke out

After that, Bam!
Everyone skating away from each other as fast as they can

Then it all came to an end
as we sat at a restraunt eating delicious,
and delightful food

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