The terrosist do not like our country at all. And that 4 planes crashed, and the twin towers got crashed into and fell. It was a very sad day for everyone in our country. At first they thought it was an axident but one the second plane hit everyone knew that America was being atacked. My mom and dad were both worried about my brother who was one at the time. Every one in my family was shaking and very scard for others and themselves. people were injured badly and killed. millions were rused to the hospital.
Fourth Grade Math
This year ,in fourth grade I learned long division. I also learned how to start with an answer and work my way up the problem.My favorite part was the m&m packet with fractions.The thing I liked the least was geometry. My strenth was multiplcation ,however my weekness was division. I think in fifth grade I will learn how to do 2 digit by 2 digit division. And hope I will learn how to multiply and divide fractions in fifth grade.
So Long 4th Grade
The most important thing I learned was kindness.
My favorite project was ciruits.
I was most surprised by how fast the Staar test went.
The thing I disliked most was the staar test.
My Popplet
Mackenzie’s Sand Castle
Row Your Site
Amphibian means:double life