Do You Want To Have A Rocking Year

Are you nervous for 6th grade because I know I was, so stay positive. Two pieces of advice I have for incoming 6th graders is, be careful in your “friend groups” and charge you chrome book every night.
            If, you have had the same friends your whole life? Well, as a matter of fact, friend groups are one of my topics. Friend groups are going to change and get bigger. Some of your closest friend might get more friends, when this happens be cautious of you own resentment (jealously) that might be taking over. You will also get new friends and when you do try and stay true to your other friends too.If you notice jealousy from any of your friends,sit down and have a talk with them. Friend groups can change your life. Friend groups is one of my pieces of advice for you to have an amazing year in sixth grade.
            In 6th grade you will get a chrome book. My other topic is chrome books. If your chrome book is messed up or broken don’t be afraid to take them to Mrs.Cooper, the librarian. She will give you a loaner and get your computer fixed right up. If you don’t take your chrome book to Mrs.Cooper, your chrome book will get worse. Be careful to make sure you charge your chrome book every night, or you will end up with a written warning.
             If, you are nervous for 6th grade remember a few of these and it’ll make your year a lot easier. If, you use these pieces of advice, I’ll bet you that in the first few weeks you will already be rocking in 6th grade. My two pieces of advice to help you get through 6th grade are charge your chrome book and be true to your friend groups.